Singula team

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
44 Tehama St
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
General information: 

Singula Team wants you to feel like you're working with your own in-house team. Our agency builds teams to develop websites, services and applications, move products to the cloud or turn a legacy-filled solution into a lean microservice architecture.

Actually, we are doing much more.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Consulting Service
IT - Service
Types of jobs in the company: 
Design / UX, IT - Backend, IT - Frontend, IT - Infrastructure, IT - Software Dev, IT - Web, Management / Leadership
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Remote work survival tips by Chizzy
Product category: 
UI/UX Design


Chizzy is a design project that promotes well-being and productivity. The project was created by a small design team who work remotely and understand the challenges of self-organization. Chizzy was created without using any code. The team used online design tools, many of which offer free versions, allowing even beginner designers to create something cool without spending money on licenses. The project features a cheerful character named Chizzy, who shares his personal experience with remote work problems like procrastination, social media distraction, and a lack of work-life balance. Through playful language, Chizzy helps remote workers achieve maximum productivity with minimal resources.


Singula Team Identity & Website
Product category: 
Web & Development


 Singula team builds teams to develop websites, services, and applications and turn legacy-filled solutions into a lean microservice architecture. The key idea of Singula’s website is to encourage the user to make contact.

We don’t want you to flip through a bunch of tabs and long texts to understand what the company does and whether it suits you. Singula’s design allows them to invite you to their digital universe, build, develop, and grow your product together. And a simple font without capital letters encourages the user to communicate informally - as if in a personal correspondence with a good friend, where no one uses capital letters and does not check punctuation.

Welcome to Singula’s team digital universe.

A Complete Redesign of the Springbig Cannabis Marketing Platform
Product category: 
Design and Development


Springbig, a platform serving cannabis dispensaries and regulated markets, underwent a comprehensive overhaul with the expertise of Evrone. The project involved redesigning frontend components and updating the tech stack for improved performance and user experience. Leveraging new technologies and a feature-sliced design, the team successfully modernized the application while ensuring seamless integration of old and new interfaces. With a dedicated team composition and effective communication channels, the collaboration resulted in a successful outcome, meeting client expectations. Evrone's professionalism and responsiveness make them a recommended partner for projects requiring reliable web development solutions.

Read the full case study here.

Revolutionizing East Mining Company's Road Management
Product category: 
Web & Development


East Mining faced challenges in optimizing travel paths for their specialized dump trucks due to the unique landscape of their open-pit coal mining operations. Evrone and Singula collaborated to develop a sophisticated road management service that offers real-time visualization, editing, and data analysis capabilities. Leveraging open-source mapping libraries and a structured backend API, the solution allows for precise analytics and enhanced operational efficiency. With features like versioning and access control, the platform provides East Mining with actionable insights to streamline operations and reduce costs. Future iterations may include AI-driven automation features. Post-project, East Mining successfully integrated the service into their IoT platform, further enhancing their operational capabilities.

Read the full case study here.

Create Your Own Interactive Product Demos With Demoquick
Product category: 
Product Development


Demoquick is an innovative application that simplifies the creation of interactive product demos without the need for programming skills. It comprises a Google Chrome extension and a web application, allowing users to add various widgets to screenshots or HTML demos. Features include personalized demos, analytics dashboards, and integrations with Slack, Hubspot, and others. Developed with React, Redux, and RTK Query, Demoquick aims for user-friendly registration and tariff plans, targeting an annual revenue of $1,000,000. Singula's development team played a crucial role in building the platform and Chrome extension, ensuring its success.

Read the full case study here.

The Innovative Transformation of Cinescope's Admin Interface
Product category: 
Web & Development


Singula, in collaboration with Evrone, undertook the challenge of enhancing the functionality and user experience of Cinescope, an online cinema platform with a unique blend of business models. By revamping the admin panel, they aimed to streamline movie management, cataloging, playlist creation, and license distribution. Innovative features like advanced movie lists, color-coded licensing notifications, and streamlined movie card creation were introduced, resulting in a highly efficient and user-friendly interface. This collaboration significantly improved Cinescope's operational efficiency and set a new standard in online cinema administration.

Read the full case study here. building a tool that automates visual content production
Product category: 
Product Development


Grip developed a unique solution called the Digital Twin, a 3D model inserted into templates for creating promotional images. We assisted Grip by expanding their functionality through extension development. Our team built several extensions, including Opera, Lineups, and SABatch, using technologies like Elixir for backend, LiveView for simple frontend, and React for more complex interfaces. Additionally, we collaborated closely with the Grip team, contributing to research, development, and infrastructure maintenance. Grip appreciates our flexible approach and trusts us to solve technical and product-related issues. Currently, we're working on the new version of Grip, developing services like a web-based editor and image generation based on templates. Contact us for enterprise marketing tools development partnerships.

Read the full case study here.

Developing a new UX/UI for an esports platform
Product category: 
UI / UX - Design


Brag House is an innovative social network tailored for college gamers, offering gamified features and fostering college rivalries. Users spectate friends' games, make predictions, and win prizes. Singula Team revamped the UX/UI, developing new user scenarios and enhancing app design for both mobile and web versions. They addressed user barriers, added personalized content, and improved engagement mechanics. With Singula's expertise, Brag House is set to launch its MVP, ready for user feedback and further refinement.

Read the full case study here.

Design of an Advanced Analytics System for PLNT
Product category: 
UI/UX Design


PLNT, a top tire manufacturer, faced a production analytics challenge due to vast operations across 24 factories in 13 countries. Singula developed a tailored analytics system to handle massive data, offering OEE analysis, real-time monitoring, and cycle time indicators. This IoT-integrated solution transformed PLNT's production monitoring, setting a new industry standard and paving the way for future innovations.

Read the full case study here.

HRoots: A New Approach to HR Management through UX/UI
Product category: 
UX/UI Design


The HRoots project addresses the challenges of managing large corporate workforces by developing a user-friendly HR management web service. Collaborating with Evrone, our team focused on simplifying employee hierarchy navigation for HR professionals and employees. By engaging stakeholders and understanding complex organizational structures, we designed an interface that streamlines employee interactions and automates processes, reducing time spent on manual tasks. The MVP achieved notable time savings, demonstrating improved organizational efficiency. This project showcases how thoughtful design can enhance HR operations.

Read the full case study here.

Singula Presents at the DEVWorld Conference in Amsterdam
Product category: 
Web & Development


In February, Amsterdam hosted the DEVWorld 2024 Conference, attracting thousands of tech enthusiasts globally. The event featured open halls and headphone-equipped attendees to facilitate undisturbed talks. Grigory Petrov from Singula Team presented on the slowness of languages like Python and Ruby, highlighting the trade-offs between expressiveness and performance. The conference also offered bike tours, gaming, networking parties, and 3D printing workshops. Singula Team invites partnerships for innovative tech projects.

Read the full article here.


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Address information

44 Tehama St
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
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