
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
651 N Broad St, Suite 206
Middletown, NY 19709
United States
General information: 


Heyo is a tech startup company that aims to provide the perfect solution for professionals looking to stand out in a crowded job market. As more people embrace AI-generated text tools, like ChatGPT3 as a resume builder, it's becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate yourself from the competition. But with Heyo, you can showcase your professional story in a way that truly stands out.

Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - SaaS, IT - Social Networking, Startup Services
Founded when: 
Thursday, 1 September, 2022
Products and Services: 
Product category: 

With Heyo, professionals can create short video, audio, or text clips speaking to their experiences, skills, past projects, and more. They can also feature testimonials from colleagues or former bosses for an instant credibility boost. Heyo also works for companies. As a hiring manager, you can introduce yourself and your team, share the challenges you're working on, and even showcase your office and team culture. We believe that it's important for both parties to feel a connection before deciding to work together. Once you create your Heyo profile you can customize it with a simple link or as a QR code that can be added to a resume, cover letter, or something else.

In addition to job seekers, Heyo also works for anyone who understands the power of building a personal brand to stand out, we’ve seen use cases for founders, freelancers, coaches, sales professionals to name a few.

Create your Heyo profile for free HERE!

Why audio and video?
Video resumes are a powerful tool for building your professional identity. Video and audio introductions provide an opportunity to showcase your skills, accomplishments, career growth, and unique personality in a more engaging way. They allow potential employers, recruiters, or collaborators to get to know you on a more personal level and can help to build trust and establish a connection. Sharing your story through video or audio also provides a way to demonstrate your communication skills, which are highly valued in many fields. They give a more comprehensive view of who you are as a professional, rather than relying solely on bland resumes and basic cover letters. Additionally, they allow you to stand out in a crowded job market and help you to differentiate yourself from the competition.
Why would I use Heyo if I already have LinkedIn?
Heyo is a career growth platform designed to help you stand out in new ways and showcase your professional story through short-form video, audio, text, and photo. Unlike LinkedIn, which is primarily a text-based platform, Heyo allows people to showcase their professional story with visual content. One of the key advantages of Heyo over LinkedIn is that it allows candidates to create a more personal and human connection with potential employers, recruiters and network. By using Heyo as an online portfolio, people can communicate their personality, tone, and attitude which are not possible to convey through traditional resumes and profiles.
How can I use Heyo to enhance my LinkedIn?
Heyo can be used alongside LinkedIn to enhance and complement one's professional online presence. LinkedIn is a powerful platform to network, find a job, and build professional connections, while Heyo is a platform that allows you to showcase your professional story with engaging bite-sized content. By using both platforms together, you can maximize your visibility and credibility in your job search.


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Address information

651 N Broad St, Suite 206
Middletown, NY 19709
United States