Advanced Psychology Institute

Materials Hack
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8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
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Advanced Psychology Institute
440 West Street Fort Lee
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
United States
General information: 

At the Advanced Psychology Institute, we focus on helping couples build stronger, healthier relationships through expert therapy. Our therapists specialise in improving communication, rebuilding trust, and fostering intimacy. In addition to couples therapy, we advance psychological well-being with innovative treatments, cutting-edge research, and educational programs.
Central to our approach is Dr. Valery Fradkov's Message-Centred Psychology (MCP), which offers precise and effective treatments for conditions like depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. MCP focuses on the future, simplifying emotional complexities into understandable models and providing personalised care.
Our holistic approach ensures each client receives a tailored treatment strategy crafted with empathy. We also offer psycho-education and referrals to affiliated healthcare professionals when needed. Learn more at -

Company information: 
Company type: 
Healthcare / Medical Services
Founded when: 
Tuesday, 5 June, 2001
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Anger Management
Product category: 

The concept of anger management is often oversimplified. Common perceptions suggest that anger is solely negative, a source of problems, and a destroyer of relationships, leading to the belief that we must control it, release it safely, breathe deeply, and count to ten. Yet, at the Advanced Psychology Institute, we understand anger as more than a mere disruptor. It serves as a vital, healthy response in certain circumstances, signaling issues that demand attention or boundaries needing establishment.

Stress Management
Product category: 

At Advanced Psychology Institute, we emphasize developing essential skills for effective communication and healthier defense mechanisms. These skills are crucial for managing current relationships and resolving lingering conflicts from the past. Our approach to stress management includes a focus on shaping perceptions and expectations, both personally and in interactions with others, as a core component of our stress reduction strategy.


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Address information

440 West Street Fort Lee
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
United States
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