ANA Avenue is like an inspiring best friend who always knows the best tips for her friends. No matter if it is about fashion, travelling or kids - ANA Avenue is like pinterest for websites with focus on sustainability.
On ANA Avenue users can get the perfect overview about all recommendations of their network. Based on the motto "share favourites" and "the best of the web - organized by you" personal tips can be shared, "hearted" and clearly arranged in the favourite bar within the ANA Avenue community.
Who likes to share tips and recommendations and who is interested in a sustainably lifestyle, is perfectly right on ANA Avenue. Here users can build their own personal avenue filled with special highlights and tips. The ANA community rates the tips with red hearts. Who has collected the most hearts is a true ANA Avenue trendscout whom the community fully trust.
ANA Avenue ist an inspiration platform from friends for friends with sustainably lifestyle and offers websites based on the motto "first choice, not second best!".
Visit and share your best web tips!