
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
27 Cambridge Park London E11 2PU
E11 2PU
United Kingdom
General information: 

From the name app-enza we take good care of your ideas  and investment to deliver you an impressive apps, take a look at the website and you gonna see very good examples of what we can offer you. So we had to create a new set of development services

We are masters in using cross platform tech to deliver a cost effective solution, we push ourselves to the limits in utilizing JavaScript, Angular JS and Cordova to deliver high performing applications.

Our team has extensive experience in delivering apps with Angular JS, Ionic, Cordova.

We work with Agile methodologies. Our process is influenced by Scrum, Kanban and XP, taking the core principles and leaving behind some of the more prescriptive doctrine so that we are able to tailor our process for the project and client we’re working with.

Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - Mobile, IT - Software Development, Staffing / Employment Agencies, Startup Services
Founded when: 
Friday, 2 January, 2015
Types of jobs in the company: 
Business Development, Customer Support, Design / UX, Human Resources, IT - Backend, IT - Frontend, IT - Gaming, IT - Software Dev, Marketing, Sales
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 

Delivering two apps one for the client and the other one for service provider(c#,angularjs),It describes who will use the application, the modules included and the features available under each module. The document also includes screenshots of the UI of some of the important application screens. The main: 
a Requests. 
b Bidding for the service provider on: 
i. Fright Forward. 
ii. Clearance. 
iii. Transportation. 
c Tracking shipments status. 
d Community between different parties of shipments like chatting, rating, contact information, exchanging documents, notifications, and comments. (In Process)


Delivering Tayarah Website(Wordpress),tayarah is a creative production media hub in Egypt, creating online video content to inspire, educate and entertain.


-Deliverig Digital menu internal app (angluarjs)to enable customers to view and create requests 
-Deployed on 20 tablets in abu dhabi

El camino

- Delivering El Camino College website(ASP.NET,javascript,jquery,html5),El Camino College is well-known for our academic excellence, our consistently high transfer rate to four-year colleges and universities, and our exceptional career training programs.


Delivering website and android mobile app(jquery,c#),tickets e-commerce application where users can sell , view and buy tickets according to their intrests with administrator supervision

El Gouna

Delivering app platform for android (php,angulrjs),El Gouna Red Sea Egypt’s official mobile application. An insider’s guide to find your way around ElGouna.
App Features
· A guide to El Gouna’s hotels
· Directory for Dining & Nightlife
· A list of the things to do in El Gouna, ranging from excursions to sports activities
· A Calendar of Entertainment events including festivals, exhibitions, and music performances
· Transportation schedule within El Gouna
· Quick pay in dining & nightlife establishments
· Local Weather updates including the wind speed

Here you go with the app link:


Aurora connector

Delivering e-learning cross platform app(ruby,angularjs),School Connector app used as parent app to watch his kids performance during school and is used side by side to the web app, there is a demo user to test and have a quick look to the app from inside.

Here you go with the app link



Aurora Student App

Delivering e-learning cross platform app(ruby,angularjs),Aurora is a disrupting learning management system. Bringing together teachers, students, parents and school management on the same platform assures all parties are connected and have access to various updates and reports depending on their role.



Delivering Cross Platform app (Angular, Ionic , Crossplatform, Html, CSS, Javascript, Android, IOS, .NET)Ezdan Holding Group, a Doha-based Public Shareholding Company listed on the Qatar Exchange, is one of the Gulf region's largest real estate developers by market capitalization, a major market player in the domestic real estate market and a pioneer provider of a wide spectrum of residential and commercial housing units.

Sport makers

-Delivering Sport Makers webbsite(wordpress,javascript,jquery,php), sport makers is an international Sports Law & Management Firm based in Egypt. With a team of senior level and professional executive experts who combine strong academic backgrounds and hands-on professional experience in the Sports industry.

La Hacienda


Delivering La hacienda website(Wordpress,php,javascript,jquery)

Quality matters

- Delivering website for Quality Matters (wordpress) it's a Commercial Cleaning Services website



Delivering mediterranean website(wordpress),The aim of Mediterranean Company for Golf Tour is to provide a series of competitive golf tournaments for International, Regional and Local Emerging professional golfers.


The aim of this project is to develop intranet application for QIG. In more details, the intranet is a community tool for the sake of proper communication between the group members. 



-Delivering Medmark website (wordpress),medmark is your gateway to finding a selection of the most reliable insurance solutions and services that suit your needs, along with the day to day support needed


A WordPress application to freelance writing professional essays and articles. The customer requests a project for writing and receives bids from technical writers among which one is awarded. Upon delivery, the payment is done online using PayPal or 2CheckOut (Master Cards and Visas).

Oil and Grains

The aim of this project is to develop web application for Oils and Grains. In more details, the web application is a track shipments in its different stages until the shipped oils or grains are delivered to the customers. The application also generates supporting reports for the yearly balance and contracts status in terms of delivery and collecting prices.

Product category: 

Mobile application and website for a clinic specialized in Dental, Nutrition and Cosmetics. The application is to create close bonds between patients and doctors. Patients book appointment, upload medical profile history, pay for the service (by Credit Card) and chat with clinic. Doctors diagnose the patients, review appointments of the day and talk to patients. The website is developed using WordPress. The mobile application is Cordova Ionic (Cross-Platform) and React Native. Payment is developed using PayFort.

Teachers First
Product category: 
Education/ training

Under the sponsorship of Egyptian presidency office we created; the teachers first website is a professional development area where educators can track and manage their progress and receive credits from trainers and their peers. Educators can share experiences and learn from each other as they work collaboratively in communities of practice. Demonstrated behaviours can be celebrated and shared with others to build sustainable local capacity


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Address information

27 Cambridge Park London E11 2PU
E11 2PU
United Kingdom
Latest startups
Travel / Tourism, Other
Travel / Tourism, Other
Travel / Tourism, Other
Startup Services