Bethesda Mission is afaith based organization serving people from all walks of life in our community. We target 2 mail areas, health and education. We want to give alternative skill based education to GIRL children, sexually absued Girl children,children from lower socio-economic group.
We also cater to the needs of health issues of women and children. We under take the following projects:
1 Health for women through awareness camps, community workers information, free medical clinics,... Read more »
Bethesda Mission is afaith based organization serving people from all walks of life in our community. We target 2 mail areas, health and education. We want to give alternative skill based education to GIRL children, sexually absued Girl children,children from lower socio-economic group.
We also cater to the needs of health issues of women and children. We under take the following projects:
1 Health for women through awareness camps, community workers information, free medical clinics, Immunization analysis etc.
2 We also wan to open HOPE CWENTERS for children in urban slums and untouchable areas of rural villages with Dalit groups.
3 We are open to start a Referral center at Bangalore for early diagnosis of Cervical cancer/HIV/TB/Malria.
4 Teaching skill based education for unemplyed youth through Harvest community college.
5 Adult literacy and visual education to empower women in under priviledged group