John Gardner is the founder and principal of Blackhawk Wealth Advisors (BWA). In his 35+ years as an investment advisor, John has gained valuable investment insight, experience, and knowledge through working with leading Wall Street wealth management companies before starting BWA.
Early on, John discovered that Wall Street was generally about the promotion of proprietary investment products that firms promoted and stockbrokers sold at a high cost. This practice was not always in the client’s best interest, but often profitable to the firm. John knew there had to be a better way.
Equity Research and Portfolio Evaluation is a research arm of Blackhawk’s professional wealth advisor. Also, ERPE evaluates existing investment portfolios to ensure proper suitability and evaluates them for risk exposure and expenses. ERPE adheres to a rules-based methodology. This proprietary approach has guided John’s successful portfolio management for over 35 years.
To share our knowledge and experience about deeper understanding of fundamental security analysis, asset allocation, and financial planner concepts pertaining to managing discretionary portfolios.