Brent has over 18 years of experience in personal training. He carries not only a basic certification in personal training but also is considered a Master Trainer and has specialty degrees in Sports Conditioning, Corrective Exercise & Sports Nutrition through ISSA.
Brent Kasmer
11209 Kirkwich Ct Charlotte, NC 28277 United States
Charlotte, NC 28277
United States 
General information:
Company information:
Company type:
Healthcare / Medical Services
Founded when:
Wednesday, 15 May, 2002
Types of jobs in the company:
Total numbers of employees:
Products and Services:
Corrective Exercise
Product category:
Health And Medical
Brent has over 18 years of experience in personal training. He carries not only a basic certification in personal training, but also is considered a Master Trainer and has specialty degrees in Sports Conditioning, Corrective Exercise & Sports Nutrition through ISSA.

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Address information
11209 Kirkwich Ct Charlotte, NC 28277 United States
Charlotte, NC 28277
United States 
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