Camp Joy Garden

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
131 Camp Joy Rd
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
United States
General information: 

The farm was founded in 1971 as a place to learn and practice a diversified, restorative agriculture, which combines beauty, productivity, and ecological health. It was developed by many years of hard work, resourcefulness and key donations from individuals.

The seed of inspiration for Camp Joy came through the work of Alan Chadwick. The farm is characterized by intensive culture, hand labor, raised beds and a garden design that is artistic and bio-dynamic in nature. We grow vegetables, flowers, herbs and fruit as well as keep bees and goats.

Mon-Fri: 7AM-6PM, Sat-Sun: Closed

Company information: 
Company type: 
Financial Services
Founded when: 
Monday, 2 April, 1990
Types of jobs in the company: 
Other Occupations
Products and Services: 
Camp Joy Garden
Product category: 
# Business services

The seed of inspiration for Camp Joy came through the work of Alan Chadwick. The farm is characterized by intensive culture, hand labor, raised beds and a garden design that is artistic and bio-dynamic in nature. We grow vegetables, flowers, herbs and fruit as well as keep bees and goats.


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Address information

131 Camp Joy Rd
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
United States
Latest startups
Architectural / Design
E-commerce, Retail, Startup Services
Financial Services