Candle Packaging

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Candle Packaging
10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #20696
Houston, TX 77043
United States
General information: 

Candle Boxes are familiar with the current trends in the market. Over time, these boxes now transformed a lot according to the trends. Now brands bring unique, stylish and well-shaped boxes that boost the customers' interest and make their business popular among the rivals. You need custom candle boxes for your products. But it’s best you use the ones that have windows in them. The customized boxes already have a lot of benefits associated with them, but when you add features like windows, the beauty of the box is enhanced to a new level along with credibility. When you are seeking to have any type of packaging for your product from Candle Boxes, mascara wrapping, pillow style boxes for your jewelry items to any other thing that will help boost your brand’s image, you first need to check the credibility of the company you’re about to hire.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Founded when: 
Friday, 1 January, 2010
Types of jobs in the company: 
Business Development
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Candle Boxes
Product category: 

You need custom Candle Boxes for your products. But it’s best you use the ones that have windows in them. The customized boxes already have a lot of benefits associated with them, but when you add features like windows, the beauty of the box is enhanced to a new level along with credibility.


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Address information

10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #20696
Houston, TX 77043
United States
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