Cheeky Promo

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
32 Howard Road
New Malden
United Kingdom
General information: 

Cheeky Promo helps musicians, music startups & businesses to make connections so that they can do what they love. Cheeky Promo promotes them through social media, interviews on, and a variety of events, including gigs and concerts.

Music is quite literally my first language. When I was young (3 or 4), I was still not talking so I had speech therapy. That didn’t have much impact so I moved to music therapy. My parents thought music therapy was amazing. Music therapy helped, and music still helps me, to communicate and connect with others, to express / be myself, to be part of the world. Nordoff Robbins is the UK's leading music therapy provider. I asked my mum about her memories of my speech & music therapy. She thinks that I was;

Free to ‘shout’ because I’d found my voice
Enjoyed the ‘music’ making very much,
Very happy to be communicating with ‘musical’ speech,
Emotionally charged because it was something I loved,
Able to ‘talk’ in a language instigated by me
Excited by the music,

I was involved in a road accident in Sept 2011 (which resulted in a broken top jaw, damaged / lost teeth, a bone graft operation from my right hip to my lower jaw and some dental implants), and was treated by the amazing doctors & staff of London's Air Ambulance

An arts festival in London in 2017 will raise money for music therapy charity Nordoff Robbins & London's Air Ambulance. 

I'm looking for people in London who are passionate about music to join me as co-founder(s) of a music promotion startup called Cheeky Promo

Any support will be rewarded with as much Cheeky Promo as possible. If you'd like to get involved in the festival - as a performer, volunteer or sponsor, and/or with Cheeky Promo in the long term, please email me at

Company information: 
Company type: 
Arts, Entertainment - Film / Music, IT - Social Networking
Founded when: 
Tuesday, 1 January, 2013
Startup stage: 
Idea stage (got an idea)
Funding needs: 
Angel / Incubator / Public funding
Types of jobs in the company: 
Business Development, Community Manager, Design / UX, Editorial, Education / Training, IT - Web, Marketing, Public Relations, Research & Development, Sales
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Social Media promotion
Product category: 
Social Media / Software Service

Promotion for people in the music industry


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Address information

32 Howard Road
New Malden
United Kingdom
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