
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Dobra 56/66
Poddasze A
00-213 Warsaw
General information: 

We live in a world where programmers code what we use day-to-day. Everyday software breaks down and programs or systems fail due to incorrect code. We want the world to have better software, as we believe that the quality of our lives depends on it.

Codility is looking to improve the way of hiring programmers so that instead of spending most of their time interviewing the wrong candidates, programmers can focus on what they do best – create software. We create programming tests that automatically assess the quality of the solutions. This is a powerful way for programmers to demonstrate their skills and for companies to test the fundamental competences of programmers being recruited. Currently we have over 2500 customers worldwide using Codility to assess the skills of the people they want to hire. Our customers love our product and the instant feedback they get from the system.

Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - SaaS
Founded when: 
Sunday, 1 November, 2009
Startup stage: 
Shipping stage (actively selling)
Types of jobs in the company: 
IT - Backend, IT - Frontend, Sales
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 

Codility is looking to improve the way of hiring programmers so that instead of spending most of their time interviewing the wrong candidates, programmers can focus on what they do best – create software. We create programming tests that automatically assess the quality of the solutions. This is a powerful way for programmers to demonstrate their skills and for companies to test the fundamental competences of programmers being recruited. Currently we have over 2500 customers worldwide using Codility to assess the skills of the people they want to hire. Our customers love our product and the instant feedback they get from the system.


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Address information

Dobra 56/66
Poddasze A
00-213 Warsaw
Rewards and benefits: 
Cell phone / Laptop
Flexible dress code
Flexible work hours
Free internet access
Home Office allowed
Mentoring programm