Particles are everywhere in our everyday life: Sugar, salt, coffee, detergents, food powders, crops, gravels on the road. The soil we are walking on consists of many small particles. Nearly every industry uses and processes particles such as coal, bio mass, ores, plastic pellets, waste and chemicals in various forms. DCS Computing develops cutting edge CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) software that simulates the flow of particles and fluids. With our cutting edge simulation software we provide Fortune-500 companies as well as smaller businesses with technology to develop and improve production processes. Our software and services aid our customers in sustainable growth, increasing throughput and efficiency while energy and carbon footprints are decreased. To remain one step ahead and respond adequately to challenging development projects we closely collaborate with leading academic and industrial partners worldwide.
DCS Computing

We help our customers to optimize their engineering equipment. The example in the picture shows how our simulation technology can be used to minimize the emission of fine dust from a transfer chute (equipment heavily used in minerals & mining industry)

We develop and sell CAE (Computer Aided Engineering software) that helps our customer to simulate and optimze his processes that handle, transport, store or process particle material like sand, sugar, crops, coal, ore, chemical powders, detergents etc

DCS is part of 2 networks of the EU's 7th framework programme. Together with our customers, we are researching new simulation technologies for computer simulations of particles and fluids on a fundamental level
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