Our AI enables you to see into the future. It reveals and proves where and how Return On Equity can be improved within your target’s corporate culture. Using comprehensive analytics and A.I. we quantify corporate culture and reduce the corporate culture risk in M&A.
Svinbovej 5
8250 Egaa
Denmark General information:
Company information:
Company type:
Financial Services
Founded when:
Wednesday, 30 November, 2016
Startup stage:
Shipping stage (actively selling)
Funding needs:
Series A funding
Types of jobs in the company:
Business Development, IT - Backend, IT - Software Dev, Management / Leadership, Marketing, Project Management, Research & Development, Sales
Total numbers of employees:
Products and Services:
Corporate culture analysis
Dueval can deliver detailed and AI-driven analysis of any given corporate culture providing insights into:
• An accurate prediction of an acquisition target’s future Return on Equity (ROE)
• Specific drivers of ROE thus identifying areas of possible improvement
• Strengths, weaknesses and compatibility issues between two distinct corporate cultures
• Break-down on department level* to allow for fine-grained incompany benchmarking
• Actionable recommendations which can aid in post-merger integration.
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Address information
Svinbovej 5
8250 Egaa
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