eSteamed Saunas

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
4011 Roosevelt Wilson Lane
Los Angeles, CA 552799
United States
General information: 

Once I started reading the research on the numerous health benefits of saunas and cold plunges I was blown away! Enter eSteamed Saunas -- this was my path to ditch the startup life and take my new-found passion for health and fitness and turn it into my full time business that I operate from home. Win-win I get to make my own hours, reduce my stress, focus on my health, operate a business – which I truly do love doing and get a ton of fulfillment out of – and spread the knowledge and joy of sauna bathing!


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Address information

4011 Roosevelt Wilson Lane
Los Angeles, CA 552799
United States
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IT - SaaS, IT - Software Development
IT - Software Development