
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
General information: 

Fempreneur is the first digital magazine for female entrepreneurs, starting in the startup hub Berlin, Germany.

The magazine covers female founder stories as well as giving practical help with your business.

In addition to that, the Fempreneur Summit - an inspiring event for female entrepreneurs - is taking place on 9th June at Babylon, Berlin. For more information and tickets, visit our website: www.fempreneur-summit.com


Company information: 
Company type: 
E-commerce, Education, IT - Social Networking
Founded when: 
Tuesday, 10 February, 2015
Funding needs: 
Angel / Incubator / Public funding
Types of jobs in the company: 
Business Development, Community Manager, Editorial, IT - Infrastructure, Marketing, Public Relations, Sales
Products and Services: 
Fempreneur Summit
Product category: 

On June 9, the first Fempreneur Summit – an inspiring event for female entrepreneurs – will take place in the start-up hub Berlin. #FemSum16

In Germany only 13% of businesses are started by women yet. Time for a change! More and more women are interested in self-employment, starting up a business & entrepreneurship.

For this courageous step into self-employment it needs business knowledge as well as inspiration. For this on June 9 an exciting day is coming up with the Conference at Fempreneur Summit, which is offering a variety of keynotes by female entrepreneurs and business experts, who will give some insight into their work and start-up life.

We hope to give you some inspiring and enlightening moments at the Fempreneur Summit, just like the event’s slogan says: “Believe in yourself and do it your own way!”

In addition to that there will be a “Fempreneur’s Night Out” for some personal and deep networking on the evening of June 9.

 If you just want to come to our party you can get an extra Party Ticket for only 25€.

You are already self employed or just generally interested in the various topics of the event? Or you are already self-employed, still studying and/or interested in starting up a business as an alternative to an employee job? Then you are exactly right at the Fempreneur Summit.

Our mission is to promote a diverse founder landscape leading to more ideas, innovation and cultural diversity in economics & society. Therefore, not only women but also men are welcome at the Fempreneur Summit 2016!


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