Gajkarn Manpower Supply and Security Services,
we provide manpower for your company or organisation we also provide security guards, bouncers, bodyguard etc.
We provide skilled, experienced and professional manpower and Security Guards.
We provide manpower and security guards according to your business, company or organisation needs. Manpower Supply and Security Services , located in Delhi, is driven by Krishan Kumar and Sushil Kumar. It is a Public company, incorporated on 30 September 2022. It is classified as a Non-govt company at Delhi. The registration number for the mentioned company is UDYAM-DL-06-0060464, and Establishment certificate number for the mentioned company is 2022305086 Active status currently.
Gajkarn Manpower Supply and Security Services registered address is H.No. 131, Khsra No. 10, Street No 1, Shalimar Village, NEW DELHI North West 110088 IN.
The primary email address of the contact person is
Gajkarn Manpower Supply and Security
Gajkarn Manpower Supply and Security Services in Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, is one of the leading businesses in the Security Services. Also known for Manpower Suppliers, Human Resource Consultants, Manpower Consultants For Security, Manpower Outsourcing Services, Manpower Suppliers For Corporate Office Boys, Placement Services For Manpower (Candidate) and much more.