Startup Pitch Contests

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Startup Pitch Contests
General information: 

Global Inclusion Online Forum is the first online event of such a type and scale designed to bring together world’s leading diversity and inclusion executives, HR consultants, and D&I activists together with business owners and managers who are looking for ways to make their businesses more inclusive and, as a result, more profitable and more successful.


Company information: 
Company type: 
Advertising / PR / Marketing, Coworking / Office Renting, IT - Social Networking
Products and Services: 
GIOF Startup Pitch Contests
Product category: 
Startup services

The Global Inclusion Online Forum Startup Pitch Contest is one of the first startup pitches that offers a platform to early-stage startups that are dealing with inclusion issues. In addition to what our innovation partners are pledging to donate, CFC Big Ideas commits to putting $6 from every paid ticket to the Forum into the prize fund.


Inclusion Solutions

For startups that have developed unique products and services that considers the full range of human diversity — ability, language, culture, gender, age and other forms of human difference

Financial Services

For startups that offer financial services or investment to entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups or minorities. The objective of such startups should follow such a rule: to include different categories of people into the economic and financial system by engaging them into new financial tools and facilities

HR Solutions

For startups that offer products, services or tools that have a positive impact on inclusive hiring, staffing, talent acquisition, applying for vacancies or ensuring an unbiased workplace experience

Competition schedule:

Application and Recruitment Period: till 22 August 2020

Finalists Selection: 23–25 August 2020

Pitch Preparations’ Testing sessions: 26–31 August 2020

Pitch Presentations: 4 September 2020 (in a separate stream of the Online Forum)

Winners Announcement: 4 September 2020

To learn more about the event and how to apply, please visit the main website of the Global Inclusion Online Forum!



Inclusive Business Awards 2021
Product category: 

Global Inclusion Online Forum announces Inclusive Business Awards 2021

Inclusive Business Awards is a new initiative of the Global Inclusion Online Forum aimed at awarding small and medium companies from any industry, that are implementing diversity, equity and inclusion practices in their teams. Companies have to present their solutions and experience of making their workspaces and/or teams truly inclusive.

The main goal of the initiative is to identify and reward best inclusion cases with recognition in the DEI professional community for outstanding ideas and their impeccable execution.

Companies will have a chance to present their projects to the world’s leading diversity and inclusion executives, HR consultants, and D&I activists.

The finalists will also be part of the Online Expo, where they will be able to demonstrate their companies and projects to the GIOF attendees. This is also a great networking opportunity to connect with top industry representatives.

The reputable jury will choose the winner and a runner-up, who will receive the most visibility at the event’s pages and be awarded with special recognition and prizes.

Other than that, the winner will have an opportunity to get the GIOF 2022 Partner status for free. The prize will also include mentorship session and other benefits provided by GIOF’s partners.


Startup Pitch Contests 2021
Product category: 

The Global Inclusion Online Forum Startup Pitch Competition is one of the first startup pitches that offers a platform to early stage startups that are dealing with inclusion issues. Startups will have a chance to present their ideas to the representatives of specialized VCs and top inclusion professionals from around the world.

The participants in the Startup Competition will also be part of the Online Startup Expo, where they will be able to demonstrate their product to the GIOF attendees. For startup teams, this is also a great networking opportunity to connect with top industry representatives.

The prize fund will consist of a direct donation from our sponsors and several prizes from our partners.

Prizes include:
- Free exhibitor package at GIOF 2022
- Free mentorship sessions provided by our partners
- Free partners’ benefits

The reputable jury will choose winners, who will receive the most visibility at the event’s pages and be awarded with special recognition and prizes.

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