In HealthExeData, we provide the B2B marketers a large number of the database from the healthcare industry, giving them access to more customers than ever before at very reasonable prices. We dedicate ourselves to make sure that the data provided to the customer is the most accurate and updated, to give them the most effective increase in rates of lead generation and ROI.
1752 NW Market, Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA 98107
United States General information:
Company information:
Company type:
Consulting Service
Advertising / PR / Marketing, Healthcare / Medical Services
Startup stage:
Idea stage (got an idea)
Types of jobs in the company:
Business Development, Customer Support, Marketing
Total numbers of employees:
Products and Services:
Physicians and Healthcare Practitioners Email List
Product category:
.net consulting services
Physician and Healthcare Practitioners Email list is one of the key marketing tools for marketers. HealthExedata will provide you with the most comprehensive and deliverable data for your lead generation.
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Address information
1752 NW Market, Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA 98107
United States Similar companies
Startup Services
Healthcare / Medical Services
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