Make your current dentures or your parents’ dentures permanent without expensive screw implants or any pain. Dental clinics charge $20,000 - $40,000 for upper or lower dentures implant, using our No screws No pain Permanent Patent Dentures for special launching price of:
• $599 for your current upper or lower or partial dentures made permanent, send us your current dentures and we will make it permanent without any screw or pain and send it back to you usually within one week after receiving the payments.
• $999 for new permanent upper or lower or partial dentures, to make precise and tailor made dentures we need the imprint of your teeth but your current dentures will be sufficient to send to the dentures laboratory to copy the gum impression and then will be sent back the current dentures with the new permanent dentures. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied.
Implants Without Screws
6226 Greenwich Drive, Tampa Florida 33647 USA
Tampa, FL 33647
United States 
General information:
Company information:
Company type:
Healthcare / Medical Services
Founded when:
Sunday, 10 September, 2000
Startup stage:
Co-Founder stage (got a team)
Funding needs:
currently no funding needs
Types of jobs in the company:
Other Occupations
Total numbers of employees:
Products and Services:
Permanent Dentures
Product category:
Dental Implant Dentures
$599 for your current upper or lower or partial dentures made permanent, send us your current dentures and we will make it permanent without any screw or pain and send it back to you usually within one week after receiving the payments.

Permanent Denture Implants
Product category:
Dental Implant Dentures
$999 for new permanent upper or lower or partial dentures, to make precise and tailor made dentures we need the imprint of your teeth but your current dentures will be sufficient to send to the dentures laboratory to copy the gum impression and then will be sent back the current dentures with the new permanent dentures.

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Address information
6226 Greenwich Drive, Tampa Florida 33647 USA
Tampa, FL 33647
United States 
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