Inqubu's vision is to make the world intelligible. We use mathematical and statistical tools to organize and link data from various sources, find patterns and correlations and try to visualize and quantify influences between entities. Inqubu provides consulting services, webservices and software products.
Czapkagasse 16
1030 Vienna
Austria General information:
Company information:
Company type:
IT - Service
Startup stage:
Development and Testing stage
Funding needs:
Angel / Incubator / Public funding
Types of jobs in the company:
Business Development, IT - Data, IT - Software Dev
Total numbers of employees:
Products and Services:
Product category:
INQData is a software solution that combines the flexibility of a data warehouse, the power of a business intelligence reporting tool and the intelligence of a semantic linked data graph. INQData makes it possible to analyze business data from various sources, combine them with open public data and automatically find correlations among them.
The key benefit for our partners is a service called “World Graph” which is a model of our world. Different types of data (e.g. demographic data, data from businesses around the world such as revenue or headcount, weather information, etc) can be included automatically and hidden structures can be found without the need of deep statistical knowledge. INQData helps to make your business and influences of the surrounding environment more understandable.
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Address information
Czapkagasse 16
1030 Vienna
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