Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Mariahilfer Strasse 101/1/21
1060 Vienna
General information: 

LINEAPP - Realtime. Streaming. Technology. Without Internet.

LINEAPP is a startup from Vienna, which was founded in 2014. Through its patented and game changing technology, audio data can be transferred in real-time over existing WiFi structures into local networks, offline. The ground-breaking cost-effective software solution works on iOS and Android devices, as well as MacOS and Windows PCs, in best HiFi-sound quality. The innovation is unique and the perfect solution for every event and venue, where audio has to be transferred and received.

Based on its offline technology, two products were developed: FLUX and CAST.

FLUX is a desktop and mobile intercom solution, which replaces old-fashioned walkie-talkies and intercom systems by streaming audio over Wifi, without any additional server or internet. FLUX is very flexible and can be used by whole teams to communicate to each other by using their own iOS or Android devices or even Mac and Windows desktops. FLUX is very easy to set up and  the software contains useful and clever functions, like: Push-to-Talk, permanent calls (multi-duplex), forming groups or even listen only. Fields of applications: smart home, healthcare, sports, hotels & gastronomy, retail, logistics and at events.

CAST is an audio broadcast solution, which turns every device into a radio. CAST supports hearing-impaired people and can be used for live translations at events. Listeners are able to download LINEAPP CAST app onto their mobile devices for free. Event suppliers need the desktop software to set up the streams. After connecting to the venue’s WiFi, listeners are able to choose the channel they want to listen to. Multiple streams from several sources are possible. Audio straight out of the pocket in best HiFi-quality and real-time onto mobile devices, especially great to use for: silent seminars, silent disco, silent conferences, silent cinema, universities and institutions, gym & fitness centers, live translations and to support hearing-impaired people.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Entertainment - Film / Music, IT - Software Development, IT - Telecommunication
Founded when: 
Sunday, 1 June, 2014
Startup stage: 
Shipping stage (actively selling)
Funding needs: 
Angel / Incubator / Public funding
Types of jobs in the company: 
Business Development, Customer Support, Design / UX, Finance, Human Resources, IT - Mobile, IT - Software Dev, Marketing, Product Management, Public Relations, Research & Development
Total numbers of employees: 


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Address information

Mariahilfer Strasse 101/1/21
1060 Vienna
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