Little Thinkers is a child day care center in Burlington, NC, dedicated to fostering early childhood growth through play-based learning. Our philosophy centers on the belief that children learn best when they are engaged and having fun, allowing them to express themselves freely. We offer tailored programs for infants, wobblers, and preschoolers aged 2 to 5 years, each designed to promote social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. We also prioritize health and wellness by providing nutritious meals that adhere to federal CACFP guidelines. Our dedicated staff is committed to creating a safe, supportive, and enriching environment where every child can thrive. Contact us for a visit by calling 336-227-9131.
Little Thinkers
2485 Moran St
Burlington, NC 27215
United States 
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2485 Moran St
Burlington, NC 27215
United States 
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