MetGIS GmbH is a spin-off of the University of Vienna. The company delivers highly specialized innovative meteorological services, focusing on the world-wide prediction of mountain weather.
MetGIS GmbH operates an extremely powerful, automated weather forecast system. Based on some of the most advanced technologies, this produces highly detailed real-time predictions for the world’s most important mountain ranges. In contrast to the common standard, extra high resolution terrain data are included in the forecast generation process, resulting in a supreme quality of the calculated predictions. For the first time, the production of area forecasts for rather limited regions (ski resorts, open-pit mines, individual mountains, etc.) is possible.
The predictions are available in graphically excellent representation via the website, but are also provided in form of fine-mesh numerical grids with horizontal grid spaces of 100 m or below.
Customers profit, among other things, from the possibility to use their resources in a more cost-efficient way and to lower the risk of weather-related accidents.