My Little Vienna

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
My Little Vienna
General information: - is the new little guide (in Eng, Germ, Rus and Fr) to our very special little city of Vienna.

Our goal is not to show every “different” place of interest, but only those with a special flair, those that are worth a visit, and those that we would recommend to our friends. What we show might be just not big enough to be noticed, or it’s something unusual in the big and usual. We strive to extend and enrich your Vienna experience without “data noise”.

We, Olga Kuchko & Paul Schilhan, devote this site to the city of Vienna, our home city. As natural born travellers we are fond of discovering new things, people and possibilities, and first of all around us. 

The biggest problem for a traveller nowadays is the enormous amount of data, and so much less of a time. Surely, there are lots of info sources and you’ll definitely find information about sightseeing in Vienna instantly. However, when it comes to finding more than a standard touristic sightseeing package, here you’ll need to dig up. 

Thus, we’d love to make it for you a little bit more clear and easy, so you could also experience much more of Vienna, instantly! What we show here on our pages reflects solely our taste, experience and our lifestyle.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Travel / Tourism
Founded when: 
Tuesday, 15 July, 2014
Startup stage: 
Development and Testing stage


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