Do you love colors? Hex Color is a free color tool providing information about any color. Color Hex will also generate matching color schemes such as complementary, split complementary, analogous, triadic, tetradic and monochromatic colors. So you will be able to know what colors best suit with the one you chose.
Online Color Tools
Sepa 20
11712 Tallinn Harjumaa
Estonia General information:
Company information:
Company type:
Advertising / PR / Marketing, Architectural / Design, Education
Founded when:
Friday, 1 January, 2016
Startup stage:
Mature stage (being profitable)
Types of jobs in the company:
Design / UX, IT - Web
Total numbers of employees:
Products and Services:
Color Palette Generator
Product category:
Web & Development
Generate perfect color combinations for your designs. The super fast color schemes generator! Here you can find the perfect matching color scheme for your next project!
Material Design Colors
Product category:
Design Skills
Material Design Color Palette will help you quickly decide which color to choose for your project. Colors are taken from Google's Material Design Guidelines.
Image to Colors Palette Generator
Product category:
Our color palette generator extracts colors from any photo on upload. Then just copy the HEX codes from the color palette app with a simple click!
CSS Color Extractor
Product category:
Web and Mobile design
CSS Color Extractor is a free online color tool allowing you to check what colors are used in a CSS file, and how many times they have been used! A free online tool to extract colors from CSS files. Built for modern CSS, it works with hex, rgb and rgba.
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Address information
Sepa 20
11712 Tallinn Harjumaa
Estonia Similar companies
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