
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes

Claim instruction: 

  1. Send us an email to from an official Orgacure​ email account. The content must be:

    StartUs buddies, 

    Please, allow me to claim rights over Orgacure​

    Best regards,
    [your name]

  2. Once sent the email click the Claim Startup button.
  3. Our team will verify the origin account and will grant claim rights over the startup to the user if everything is ok.
General information: 

Enabling Consumers & Creating Business Opportunities

A large part of avoidable food losses, and thus food wasted, occurs outside of the consumer´s influence: during harvest, transport, processing or on the shelves of supermarkets. At each stage, food waste could be significantly reduced.
More investments and associated reductions in waste would be in the interest of the consumer who is becoming increasingly aware about the outrageous amount of unpriced costs that food waste emits onto society at large. 

A shift in consumer consciousness however is not sufficient to bring about change. Food waste is invisible and therewith every product is equally guilty. 

Consumer preferences have to be reflected in the supply of products which differentiate themselves on the level of food waste. This would facilitate a reallocation of resources all the way back to the source of the product, incorporating at least part of the indirect costs of food waste. 

Company information: 
Company type: 
Products and Services: 
Orgacure® Travelaid
Product category: 
All-in-One wash


Orgacure® Travelaid is an All-in-One wash for safety, health and convenience of fresh produce, it’s economical and made of sustainable resources.

  • Economical and sustainable process
  • Antimicrobial
  • Liberates consumers from washing fruits
  • Extended shelf-life
  • Reduces pesticides
  • Clean label
  • Keeps native taste
  • Limits risk of cross-contamination
  • Safe, reliable and instant applied
  • Safe to dispose directly into sewer
  • Industry proven and patented technology
  • Instant food safety

Available packaging sizes: 500 g (17.6 oz) pouch, 5 and 10 kg (11/22 lb) box, 25 kg (55 lb) bag

Orgacure® Freshcut
Product category: 
Sanitizing solutions

Innovative improvement is what makes Orgacure® Freshcut unique.

Orgacure® Freshcut is a sanitizing solutions for fresh produce, bringing along great advantages for producers and are also of interest for the consumer of fresh produce.

Do you work with peeled, cut or otherwise processed raw fruits and vegetables? Our product in combination with our services minimizes costs, effort and maximizes profit. The key herein is a standardized solution, which not only creates the possibility of creating optimal shelf-life but also offers a solution for declaration issues.

You are an end-consumer and interested in what our product does for you? Orgacure® Freshcut increases food-safety, reduces pathogens on the fresh produce, it makes fresh-cut produce cheaper and increases the availability of convenient improvement of your health.

Orgacure® Network
Product category: 

Regional fruit and vegetable processors supplying local institutions: Currently offered Fresh-cut products fail to meet the expectations of customers. They are either too expensive due to high cost of unnecessary preservation and perceived as preserved, or the shelf-life is too short.

  • Connects customer to regional processors
  • One marketing and sales platform
  • Central, low cost administration
  • Safe products with optimal shelf-life
  • Delivery within 24 hours
ORGACURE® PicnicSpray
Product category: 

ORGACURE® PicnicSpray, with All-in-One antimicrobial and antibrowning formula, keeps perishable foods (e.g. salads, sandwiches, raw dishes or sushi) safe and fresh up to 12 hours without cooling. ORGACURE® reduces the risk of food-borne illness. Using ORGACURE® you reduce food waste and save the environment!

  • Personal food safety anytime
  • Kills 99.9 % of the bacteria
  • Food and taste neutral
  • Made from organic acids and inorganic and organic salts

Available packaging sizes: 50 ml (1.7 oz) pump spray (lasts for about 7kg (15.4lb) food)


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