Our vision is to be the #1 platform for future music releases, efficiently providing music lovers across all tastes and genres with any relevant information on all upcoming records by every artist they care about!
Marxergasse 24 / 2 / 1.08
1030 Vienna
Austria General information:
Company information:
Company type:
Entertainment - Film / Music
Founded when:
Saturday, 1 March, 2014
Startup stage:
Development and Testing stage
Types of jobs in the company:
IT - Frontend, IT - Infrastructure, IT - Software Dev, IT - Web
Products and Services:
Product category:
Release Notification Service
PATIO is an upcoming music app, which enables users to closely track future music releases by their favourite bands and musicians.
Can I take a closer look at some of your designs?
Sure, go ahead: http://invis.io/8J1HVKSRK
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Address information
Marxergasse 24 / 2 / 1.08
1030 Vienna
Austria Rewards and benefits:
Stock options
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