Siaran mahasiswa is an information media platform that was established in March 2022. This platform contains various kinds of information about the world of lectures.
The following is our vision, mission and goals:
Become a site that is able to provide useful information and can help others.
- Provide quality content in an easy-to-reach language style.
- Contribute to the field of education for the general public.
- Provide a survey questionnaire that serves to receive all criticism and suggestions from the public.
- improving the quality of learning for the community through the use of the internet.
- Strive to create content that is efficient, effective, and easily accessible to the public.
- Donate 15% of the income generated by this site for people in need.
If you want to contact us, please contact us via:
- Email :
- Instagram: siaranmahasiswa
- Phone : 089529705058