Dripping water can make a breeding ground for mold, fungus, foul smell, and bacteria. It only happens when your pipeline is damaged or needs routine maintenance. While installing pipeline systems at home, the contractors promise you that it will last a lifetime. It is not true! With application and wearing condition impact, the systems tend to deteriorate over time. San Fernando Plumbing Services from South Park Plumber company are what your damaged pipeline system has been asking from you.
South Park Plumbers San Fernando
San Fernando
San Fernando, CA 91340
United States 
General information:
Company information:
Company type:
Founded when:
Thursday, 21 August, 2014
Types of jobs in the company:
Other Occupations
Total numbers of employees:
Products and Services:
South Park Plumbers San Fernando
Product category:
Plumbing Repair Services
Water Heater Repair,
Water Heater Replacement,
Sewer Repair,
Sewer Replacement,
Sewer Inspection & Camera Inspection,
Emergency Plumbing,
Filtration System,
Gas Leak Repair,
Gas Line Replacement,
Gas Line Repair
Business Hours : 24/7

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Address information
San Fernando
San Fernando, CA 91340
United States 
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