
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
1 place de la porte blanche
67000 Strasbourg
General information: 

Stockbooking is a start-up incorporated in June 2016. In less than a year, our team has grown from one to five people and we further combine complementary skills in logistics, transport, business law, new technologies and digital marketing area.

Our goal is to create a more fluid and collaborative logistics market where the customer experience in B-to-B will match what we can find in B-to-C.
Stockbooking further creates a 100% agile offer and a one-stop shop that allows companies with storage space to access a new sales channel and companies looking for space or logistical services to serve one-off needs or local storage by identifying real-time compatible logistic partners.

Thanks to our e-logistics platform and the digital tools that were implemented, we seek to simplify access to logistics services and decision-making for the files.

Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - Sharing Economy / Rental
Founded when: 
Wednesday, 1 June, 2016
Startup stage: 
Shipping stage (actively selling)
Funding needs: 
currently no funding needs
Types of jobs in the company: 
Business Development, IT - Web, Management / Leadership, Marketing
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Storage and logistics suppliers

Storage and logistics suppliers who are interested in new sales channel for sharing economies and global network offers. 

Stockbooking creates a global and collaborative logistics network that allows maximum optimization of existing storage resources. The platform refers to professional warehouses (e.g., 3PL and transporters) and any company able to provide a storage offer to convert their available space into revenue.

The Marketplace, which is the external layer of our services, allows the vendors to commercialize storage availabilities under a grey mark and will match it with the needs and constraints of each user requesting storage. Accordingly, Stockbooking relies on a multi-site, multi-vendor and multi-industry information system and allows users to quickly identify the corresponding services.

Warehousing and logistics services on-demand

Cooperation offer for logistics to start-ups, SME, industries, interested in flexible and agile logistics availabilities in Europe. 

Today, implementing a logistics network is time consuming and costly, especially when done on case by case basis.
Stockbooking implements a global logistics network allowing companies to put quickly in map their logistics operations next to the customers using one or several warehousing solutions and keeping the same contact point for their spot needs or global deployment. 

Stockbooking creates a 100% agile offer and a one-stop shop that allows companies looking for space or logistical services to serve one-off needs or next-door storage by identifying real-time compatible logistic partners.
Thanks to our e-logistics platform and the digital tools that were implemented, we seek to simplify access to logistics services and decision-making for the files, by keeping one unique reference contact for pre-qualified and negociated service offers. 
The tools that will be added successively will facilitate inventory tracking, billing and work as an enhanced WMS / ERP middle layer. As a result, once connected, users will be able to quickly set up logistics operations.
Stockbooking is standardizing the business model by introducing generalized pay per use (see "warehouse as a service") and standardizing processes.


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Address information

1 place de la porte blanche
67000 Strasbourg