
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
3 germay dr, Unit 4 #1258, Wilmington, de 19804, US
United States
General information: 

Welcome to TruSecAi where we strive to provide comprehensive services in consulting, training, and enterprise products to startups, small, and large enterprises. We believe in empowering businesses and individuals with the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve their goals and succeed in today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving technology landscape.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Founded when: 
Monday, 5 December, 1994
Startup stage: 
Co-Founder stage (got a team)
Funding needs: 
Series A funding
Types of jobs in the company: 
Compliance, Education / Training
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Product category: 


IT security is a set of cybersecurity strategies that prevents unauthorized access to organizational assets such as computers, networks, and data. It maintains the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information, blocking the access of sophisticated hackers.


Artificial Intelligence
Product category: 

Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind


Product category: 

A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS).

Product category: 

IT compliance defines fixed rules for setting up and operating digital systems in companies and public organizations. It determines which requirements for IT security, data protection, data availability, and data integrity a company must comply with in order to meet the applicable standards.

Product category: 

An algorithms is a procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation. Algorithms act as an exact list of instructions that conduct specified actions step by step in either hardware- or software-based routines. Algorithms are widely used throughout all areas of IT.

Product category: 

API stands for Application Programming Interface. In the context of APIs, the word Application refers to any software with a distinct function. Interface can be thought of as a contract of service between two applications. This contract defines how the two communicate with each other using requests and responses.

Product category: 

architecture, the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. The practice of architecture is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends. Although these two ends may be distinguished, they cannot be separated, and the relative weight given to each can vary widely. Because every society—settled or nomadic—has a spatial relationship to the natural world and to other societies, the structures they produce reveal much about their environment (including climate and weather), history, ceremonies, and artistic sensibility, as well as many aspects of daily life.

Product category: 

Coding, which is also called "computer programming," is how we tell machines what to do. Code tells a computer what to do, and writing code is similar to making a list of steps. You can teach computers what to do or how to act much faster if you know how to write code. You can make websites and apps, process data, and do many other cool things with this skill.

Product category: 

In the pursuit of knowledge, data is a collection of discrete values that convey information, describing the quantity, quality, fact, statistics, other basic units of meaning, or simply sequences of symbols that may be further interpreted. A datum is an individual value in a collection of data.

Product category: 

Business enterprise refers to a person spotting a business opportunity and setting up a business. Business ideas come about for a number of reasons.

Product category: 

Governance has been defined as the rules of the political system to solve conflicts between actors and adopt decision (legality). It has also been used to describe the "proper functioning of institutions and their acceptance by the public" (legitimacy).

Product category: 

IT policies and procedures establish guidelines for the use of information technology within an organization. In other words, it outlines what everyone is expected to do while using company assets. With the help of strong policies and procedures, you can incorporate actions that are consistent, effective and efficient.

Product category: 
Privacy and Security

A privacy policy is a statement or legal document (in privacy law) that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data.

Product category: 

Regulation is the management of complex systems according to a set of rules and trends. In systems theory, these types of rules exist in various fields of biology and society, but the term has slightly different meanings according to context.

Product category: 

As technology has gotten better, it's become more normal for people to use display screen equipment at their jobs. Employers should always do what they can to make sure that their workers' health isn't at risk when they use technology like computers, laptops, tablets, or cell phones at work.

Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Regulations will apply to workers who use DSE for more than an hour at a time as part of their jobs. At Arinite, we can help your company set up the right processes to help this happen.

Product category: 

Scalability is the power of a business or other thing to grow in order to meet more demand. If a business can grow, it should also be able to take advantage of economies of scale. This is when production costs are spread out over more units, which leads to higher profit margins.

Product category: 

A server is a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer program and its user, also known as the client. In a data center, the physical computer that a server program runs on is also frequently referred to as a server.

Product category: 

A cybersecurity threat is the threat of a malicious attack by an individual or organization attempting to gain access to a network, corrupt data, or steal confidential information. No company is immune from cyber-attacks and data breaches. Some cyberattacks can even destroy computer systems.

Product category: 

UI stands for user interface. It is the point of contact between humans and computers. Any technology you interact with as a user is part of the user interface. For example, screens, sounds, overall style, and responsiveness are all elements of UI.


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Address information

3 germay dr, Unit 4 #1258, Wilmington, de 19804, US
United States
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