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Claim instruction: 

  1. Send us an email to from an official UKSPA​ email account. The content must be:

    StartUs buddies, 

    Please, allow me to claim rights over UKSPA​

    Best regards,
    [your name]

  2. Once sent the email click the Claim Startup button.
  3. Our team will verify the origin account and will grant claim rights over the startup to the user if everything is ok.
Essex CB10 1XL
Saffron Walden
CB10 1XL
United Kingdom
General information: 

The United Kingdom Science Park Association

The mission of UKSPA is to be the authoritative body on the planning, development and the creation of Science Parks and other innovation locations that are facilitating the development and management of innovative, high growth, knowledge-based organisations. 

A Science Park is a business support and technology transfer initiative that:

  • encourages and supports the start up and incubation of innovation-led, high-growth, knowledge-based businesses.
  • provides an environment where larger and international businesses can develop specific and close interactions with a particular centre of knowledge creation for their mutual benefit.
  • has formal and operational links with centres of knowledge creation such as universities, higher education institutes and research organisations.


The History of UKSPA

Founded in 1984 by the managers of the eight Parks that then existed, UKSPA has gone from strength to strength. In the last thirty years the number of Science Parks has grown significantly (from two in 1982 to around 105 in 2014). There is still a strong regional, and local focus to their establishment. What has continued to happen over the years is that many more UK Universities and centres of excellence in research have recognised the unstoppable trend, and inherent value of Science Park development and have created parks with associated management structures to help drive and technology up the value chain by supporting tenant companies across a wide range of activities.

The Growth of UKSPA

Over the course of the last thirty years there has been continual growth in membership. In 2014 -  the 30th Anniversary of the Association - over 100 locations were in membership delivering facilities and support to over 4000 companies.


Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - Service
Types of jobs in the company: 
IT - Software Dev, Management / Leadership
Products and Services: 

UKSPA CLARITY-  the software tool delivered in partnership with ra Information Systems. 

For thirty years UKSPA has provided support and guidance for innovation environments in membership.  The Association has a mission to help deliver efficient, trusted and profitable business locations for innovative and high tech companies.  

UKSPA CLARITY has used the experience gained over the last three decades to develop a software solution that efficiently manages leases and licences, management reporting, facilities management and much more. The experience and feedback from a diverse group of UK science and technology parks, innovation led incubators and innovation centres who currently manage their services through UKSPA CLARITY provides confidence in a product that continues to be developed and customised to meet the changing needs of Association Members.  

Specific UKSPA modules – available to Association members only - provide simple solutions in areas such as developing questionnaires and statistics. UKSPA CLARITY provides a modular solution to the management needs of Science Parks and other Innovation locations, enabling flexibility and customisation as individual requirements develop. UKSPA CLARITY provides one system giving you total control over: 

Office Management 

UKSPA CLARITY is specifically designed to manage both all-inclusive licences and traditional leases with associated service charges. The system simplifies the process of dealing with stepped rentals, free periods and rent reviews. UKSPA CLARITY also generates occupancy forecasts and financial analysis of space utilisation. 

Rooms & Events 

Maintaining efficient control over Conference and other meeting space is becoming increasingly commercially important. UKSPA CLARITY provides a multi-function, colour-coded diary manages any size of meeting, conference and event space, as well as overnight accommodation. UKSPA CLARITY seamlessly handles provisional bookings, amendments, catering requests, equipment and additional requirements. The system creates and emails quotes and event contracts, and automates the cancellation process. When integrated with the option for digital signage screens, UKSPA CLARITY can also display room availability and occupancy details or advertise other services. 

Enquiries Management 

The Association itself uses UKSPA CLARITY to deal with enquiries and to track and maintain Membership information and other Enquiries.  This allows us to record and track office and other enquiries.  Science parks and other innovation locations will benefit from the systems customisable reporting categories for source of enquiry and non-conversion reasons for vacant space. You can analyse marketing effectiveness, identify weaknesses, produce standard documents and generate mail shots with ease. 

Financial Management 

UKSPA CLARITY produces automatic monthly, quarterly and ad hoc invoices for rental and additional services. The system records payments and monitors debtor information, allowing you to effectively manage deposits and credit refunds.  

Direct Debit Management 

UKSPA CLARITY delivers the banking information that delivers effective management of the Direct Debits process.

Task Management 

UKSPA CLARITY manages your workflow on an individual and group basis with a custom task scheduler. You can create reminders for enquiry follow-ups, maintenance requests and orders for new services, and much more. 

Facilities Management 

The easy-to-use UKSPA CLARITY Facilities Management module provides the additional tools, techniques and technologies that enable users to optimise maintenance resources, improve equipment productivity, facilitate faster and make more insightful business decisions. 

Data, Reports & Statistics 

UKSPA CLARITY builds reports concerning office and meeting room occupancy, as well as recording your business statistics such as business advice, job creation, financial growth and business survival. UKSPA CLARITY monitors success rates, performance and data required for funding bids and can also outline information related to credit control, keeping you on track of your tenants and clients at all times. 

Visitor Management 

The UKSPA CLARITY Visitor module allows users to book in, allocate and assign access levels for visitors, giving your security and managers a simple and effective way of knowing who is allowed on site and where they are allocated to. Access can be made available to anyone on your site via your intranet, as well as directly through the UKSPA CLARITY system. 

This exciting new relationship will bring many benefits to Innovation Environments. The Association will be working hard to ensure that the delivery of UKSPA CLARITY, alongside new initiatives such as the UKSPA Aspire Quality Assurance Programme, will provide Members’ with the tools required to continue delivering first class innovation locations that provide the best possible environment for the high tech companies that are contributing to future economic growth

Surveys & Questionnaires

The UKSPA CLARITY Survey module allows you to quickly and easily create complex surveys and questionnaires. These surveys can be used to capture anything from custom client data to statistical incubation information for funding bodies, client satisfaction feedback, service usage or monitoring of client progress. 

The module will deliver the information that UKSPA request each year from its Members’ that allows the Association to promote the current state of the sector to a national audience. The development of UKSPA CLARITY over future months will include the development of a number of  Good Practice guides with regular user group/workshops planned to coincide with UKSPA Conferences and meetings. 


UKSPA Aspire

ASPIRE provides a quality framework for UKSPA members to commission a licenced Reviewer to carry out an effective independent evaluation to identify areas for further development. The review for the largest park will take no longer than 6 or 7 days, and for smaller Innovation Centres perhaps only 1 or 2 days.

Reviews carried out under this quality framework are confidential to the commissioning UKSPA member. However, following the successful completion of a review, participants will be provided with national and international  promotional opportunities to celebrate their ASPIRE recognition.

If you would like to participate in this quality initiative please contact Paul at the UKSPA office who will be pleased to give you an overview of the framework and introduce you to the process.



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Address information

Essex CB10 1XL
Saffron Walden
CB10 1XL
United Kingdom
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