Vike Invest Ltd.

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Vike Invest Ltd.
Unit D, 89 Woolwich New Road
SE18 6ED
United Kingdom
General information: 

"Inspiring and challenging our generation to become financially independent by starting and creating new businesses, helping give new lease to existing ones."

Our speciality is in offering the best practical professional coaching, mentoring and expert advice to our clients and help them make the best choices as they seek to turn their ideas into profitable and successful businesses.

"Value for Integrity, Knowledge and Excellence" (VIKE ) is at the foundation of what we do and how we do it. By experience and knowledge of the business landscape, we understand that to be profitable and successful in any business venture, a business must have integrity in dealing with customers/clients/other businesses, be knowledgeable in its products and services and strive for excellence in providing the best goods and services for its customers/clients.

  • Our seminars challenge individuals with entrepreneurial aspirations to conceive ideas and identify opportunities for business.
  • We also help our clients develop the necessary confidence and equip them with the strategic tools to start and grow profitable and successful businesses.
  • We practically hold our clients hands in putting structure to their ideas, to seriously "Do business, not just try to do business". Bespoke one on one service is what they get.
  • Help existing businesses re-strategize and re-organise their business.
  • We uniquely help partner manage businesses who might require our expertise in managing their businesses. Our managing and investing arm help entrepreneurs find suitable partners in growing their businesses.
  • Help bridge the gap between the budding entrepreneur and any other service providers whom our clients might require further assistance.

Our passion and interest is to help our clients fulfil their dreams. That is only when we are successful as a business.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Consulting Service
Education, Financial Services, Management Consulting, Startup Services
Types of jobs in the company: 
Business Development
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Start-up, New Businesses & Existing Businesses
Product category: 
Consulting/Business Services



  • Offer business seminars to corporate organisations, business clubs, church groups, associations, colleges, and universities, helping them identify their entrepreneurial potential and opportunities.
  • Provide pre-start up business support services. Such as: assessing economic viability of a business idea; help with basic research into the market; identify target market, design a marketing, sales and advertising strategies to effectively market and sell products or services.
  • Assist clients in writing professional and compelling BUSINESS PLANS to attract investment.
  • Assist clients in financial planning
    • Cash Flow
    • Profit and Loss
    • Balance Sheet
  • Help clients access Finance and Funding
    • Loans
    • Grants



  • Offer professional diagnosis of business.
  • Management support and advice, helping re-strategizing of business focus, where necessary.
  • Business plan reviews.
  • Building a stronger Brand.
  • Marketing, Sales, Advertising and Pricing Strategies for growth and profitability.
  • Cash flow management.
  • Fund raising for capitalization, new projects and expansion


Looking for a passionate and informed speaker who will inspire participants at your event, and effectively communicate through dynamic presentations and workshops to help them turn their ideas into profitable and successful businesses? If so, then I am your speaker. I help people at all levels and from diverse backgrounds, to make a significant difference in their lives and businesses. I have had the pleasure of being a guest on over sixty international radio and TV shows. It’s always my honor to be invited to share great insights and contribute to programs that encourage entrepreneurial development and business growth.

Drawing from over fifteen years of working in various business capacities, and as a consultant, entrepreneur, author and a business motivational seminar speaker, past audiences I have spoken to include:

  • Business groups
  • Churches
  • Associations
  • Youth groups
  • Community organizations
  • Schools (Colleges & Universities)

Top ten most popular topics:

  • Making the choice between becoming a wealth creator or a job seeker
  • Wealth creation principles, strategies and steps
  • Identify business opportunities and testing economic viability of business ideas
  • Taking advantage of the economic downturn to start a business
  • Benefits of starting a business, including essential tax benefits
  • Developing the successful business mindset
  • How to cut down on cost and increase revenues in your business
  • Principles for business success
  • Essentials of a business plan in attracting investors
  • Choosing and adopting the right selling, pricing, advertising and social media strategies

I also collaborate with event organizers in delivering specific subjects of interest to meet the individual needs of participants in line with the goals and scope of a given event.

All seminars are delivered with great skill and in a format that is also fun filled and transformational.

I also help you draw up and implement entrepreneurship/business development programs and policies, designed to practically deal with high unemployment and underemployment rates anywhere in the world. Please contact me to discuss your need, as an individual or a group. I will be glad to help design a specific package to meet your need.


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Address information

Unit D, 89 Woolwich New Road
SE18 6ED
United Kingdom
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