Waltzing Atoms
Lambrechtgasse 3/3
1040 Vienna
Austria General information:
Company information:
Company type:
IT - Software Development
Founded when:
Monday, 15 December, 2014
Startup stage:
Co-Founder stage (got a team)
Funding needs:
currently no funding needs
Products and Services:
Waltzing Atoms IDE (WAIDE)
Product category:
Engineering simulation platform
Waltzing Atoms IDE represents a central software environment to intu-
itively manage data from material simulations, easily manipulate 3D nanostruc-
tures, and quickly interact with external physics software.
Waltzing Atoms School (WAS)
Product category:
Waltzing Atoms School offers a software solution for teacher-student interaction, especially for the use in chemistry classes. The teacher can broadcast helping content, such as 3D visualizations of molecules, to student computers, tablets or mobile phones. Furthermore, WAS provides ways to assign problems to the students, for example completion of molecules by drag&drop, with instant feedback notifying the teacher of the students performance.
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Address information
Lambrechtgasse 3/3
1040 Vienna
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