
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
General information: 

100% focused on automated tests to deliver frameworks and solutions that reduce costs & increase efficiency to set better digital products, faster.

  • Web test automation
  • Mobile test automation
  • Desktop test automation
  • API & Server side test automation
  • Frameworks, tools, and solutions development
  • Test automation maintenance
  • Performance testing
  • TestOps and DevOps
Company information: 
Company type: 
Automotive and Services
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
First-class Automation Testing Agency
Product category: 

100% focused on automated tests to deliver frameworks and solutions that reduce costs & increase efficiency to set better digital products, faster.

  • Web test automation
  • Mobile test automation
  • Desktop test automation
  • API & Server side test automation
  • Frameworks, tools, and solutions development
  • Test automation maintenance
  • Performance testing
  • TestOps and DevOps

Deep expertise in test automation frameworks and solutions:

  • java: webdriver, selenoid, junit, testng, gradle, guage, jbehave, spock
  • javascript: cypress,, mocha, jest, playwright, codecept.js, cucumber, test cafe
  • php: codeception, phpunit, behat, phpspec
  • python: py.test, nosetests, behave, webdriver, robot framework, playwright
  • c#: nunit, guage, specflow, atata
  • mobile: appium, saucelabs, perfecto, XCUITest
  • infrastructure: selenoid, moon, selenium grid, docker, kubernetes
  • ci\cd: jenkins, github actions, gitlab, circle ci, bamboo
  • performance: k6, jmeter, gatling, tsung, locust


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