Testing Engineer/Technician
At FLIR, we have a simple but ambitious mission: to develop market-leading thermal and sensing technologies which enhance everyday life. From saving energy, to saving lives FLIR is making a real difference in our world.
Our products are used in a wide array of situations to rescue people in danger, detect criminals, conserve energy, navigate safely, provide security around the globe, and protect our environment.
We are looking for individuals who thrive on making an impact and want the excitement of being on a team that wins.
Job Description
PCBA-de testimise protsessi eest vastutaja
Töö kirjeldus:
Osalemine testprogrammide ja lahenduste arenduses
Testprogrammide tehniline toetamine, silumine ja pidev täiustamine koos programmi tarnijatega
Testrite ja testfikstuuride korralise hoolduse läbiviimine, hooldusüsteemide väljatöötamine ja ellu rakendamine
Pidev testimisprotsessi parendamine ja testi veadete analüüs.
Koostöö PCBA veaotsijatega, testitulemuste analüüs ja pidev statistiline analüüs
Testseadmete kontroll ja efektiivsuse mõõtmine (FPY,Coverage,R&R)
IC programmeerimine ja selle protsessi tehniline toetamine
Programmaatorite ja uue tarkvara haldamine
Muud elektroonikatootmises vajalikud tööd tootmisjuhi korraldusel
Ootused kandidaadile:
Huvitub tootmisest, elektroonikast ja tööst rahvusvahelises keskkonnas
Suudab tehnilisi probleeme lahendada ja töötada iseseisvalt
Valdab hästi inglise keelt - nii suuliselt kui kirjalikult
Valdab eesti ja vene keelt suhtlustasandil
Hea arvutikasutaja MS Office keskkonnas
On aktiivne suhtleja ja väärtustab meeskonnatööd
On vastutustundlik, distsiplineeritud ja korrektne oma töös
Elektroonika-, elektrotehnika-, mehhatroonika-, tootearenduse või IT süsteemide alane kutse- või kõrgharidus
Kasuks tuleb:
ICT ja funktsionaalse testimisprotsessi tundmine
LAB-View keskkonna tundmine
Töökogemus tehniku või insenerina elektroonika tootmisettevõttes
Teadmised IPC strandarditest
Job summary:
Employee responsible for PCBA testing process
Detailed Description:
Participation in develpoing testing programs and solutions
Technical support for testing programs, debugging and continuous improvement together with testing programs’ suppliers
Creation and implementation of maintenance system for testers and fixtures
Continuous improvement of testing process and analysis of testing errors
Working together with PCBA troubleshooters, analysis of testing results and continuous statistical analysis
Inspection of testing equipment and measuring their efficiency (FPY,Coverage,R&R)
IC programming and technical support to the process
Handling of programmers and new software
Other tasks in Electronics Production Unit, given by Production Manager
Interest in manufacturing, electronics and for work in international environment
Ability to solve technical issues and work independently
Englich language skill on communication level – both speaking and writing
Estonian and Russian language skill in communication level
Proificiency with MS Office
A team-player and active in communication
Responsible, disciplined and percise person
Higher or vocationary education in electronics, mechanics, product development or IT
Preferred Skills/Experience:
Knowledge of ICT and functional testing process
Knowledge about LAB-View environment
Work experience as Engineer or Technician in electronics manufacturing company
Knowledge of IPC standards
FLIR and all of our employees are committed to conducting business with the highest ethical standards. We require all employees to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules and regulatory orders. Our reputation for honesty, integrity and high ethics is as important to us as our reputation for making innovative sensing solutions.