
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes

Claim instruction: 

  1. Send us an email to from an official Ardoq​ email account. The content must be:

    StartUs buddies, 

    Please, allow me to claim rights over Ardoq​

    Best regards,
    [your name]

  2. Once sent the email click the Claim Startup button.
  3. Our team will verify the origin account and will grant claim rights over the startup to the user if everything is ok.
General information: 

Working at numerous companies, big and small, we always had trouble finding historical documentation. It took days to navigate the local system architecture. And even when we found documentation, the lack of standardization made things even harder. To make matters worse, we never really understood the big picture, “how were we affecting other teams, processes, and systems?” we could never know.

All this wasted time was costing these companies money and causing employees huge amounts of frustration, especially when new staff arrived. So we decided to stop pulling our hair out and created a lightweight, easy-to-use alternative to the solutions you find in enterprise architecture and documentation software.

Our aim was to give you unprecedented control and insight into your systems, without the need for complex, expensive tools. So we’ve created something that does more than traditional enterprise architecture, costs less and adds real value to your business. And we’ve added unique systems architecture maps, giving you at-a-glance insight, so key decisions are based on the most up-to-data information.

Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - Service, Startup Services



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