Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
08024 Barcelona Barcelona
General information: 

BMAT started in 2005 when a group of engineers with a passion for music decided to spin-off from University Pompeu Fabra and create a company.

The company started with an idea - to index all the music in the world -, a mission - to better the music eco-system -, a customer -YAMAHA -, and a team of audio technology experts, eager to learn how to build a successful business.

After a couple of years flirting with a vast portfolio of technologies, BMAT decided to focus activities around music monitoring services and built a service that could track any public communication of music.

Since then the company has grown to service more than 100 Collective Management Organizations and over 2 thousand Record labels and publishers. Today our monitoring platform delivers 92 million identifications monthly and overviews 230 million digital transactions hourly.

We apply our scientific, data-infused brains to tell everyone what music has been played – so that creators get the recognition they deserve.

We hear everything everywhere and tell everyone who wants to know.

‘What plays around will come back around’ we say. We believe by helping this happen we can make a positive change in the music ecosystem and enjoy talent for another million years.

Currently, we are 115 people serving 82 countries from 12 offices: Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Lima, Brussels, London, Oslo, Paris, Johannesburg, Tokyo, Singapore, and Seoul.

Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - Service
Products and Services: 
BMAT- Music Innovators
Product category: 

At BMAT, we monitor and report music across televisions, radios, venues and digital services globally. 

Our music monitoring services aim to provide a neutral source of data available to any party involved in the value cycle - creators, producers, publishers, CMOs, broadcasters, DSPs and clubs.


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Address information

08024 Barcelona Barcelona
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